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co_await Explained

The following paragraphs try to explain what is a coroutine and what co_await does in some simple way. I don't guarantee that any of this is factically correct. For more gritty (and correct) details, refer to the articles linked at the bottom of this document.

Coroutines, simply put, are like normal functions except that they can be suspended (and resumed) in the middle. When a coroutine is suspended, execution returns to the function that has called the coroutine. If that function is also a coroutine and is waiting (co_awaiting) for the current coroutine to finish, then it is suspended as well and the execution returns to the function that has called that coroutine and so on, until a function that is an actual function (not a coroutine) is reached. In case of a regular Qt program, this "top-level" non-coroutine function will be the Qt's event loop - which means that while your coroutine, when called from the Qt event loop is suspended, the Qt event loop will continue to run until the coroutine is resumed again.

Amongst many other things, this allows you to write asynchronous code as if it were synchronous without blocking the Qt event loop and making your application unresponsive. See the different examples in this document.

Now let's look at the co_await keyword. This keyword tells the compiler that this is the point where the coroutine wants to be suspended, until the awaited object (the awaitable) is ready. Anything type can be awaitable - either because it directly implements the interface needed by the C++ coroutine machinery, or because some external tools (like this library) are provided to wrap that type into something that implements the awaitable interface.

The C++ coroutines introduce two additional keywords -co_return and co_yield:

From an application programmer point of view, co_return behaves exactly the same as return, except that you cannot use the regular return in coroutines. There are some major differences under the hood, though, which is likely why there's a special keyword for returning from coroutines.

co_yield allows a coroutine to produce a result without actually returning. Can be used for writing generators. Currently, this library has no support/usage of co_yield, so I won't go into more details here.